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One thing teachers struggle with is making sure they have the supplies they need to last the entire school year without having to come out of pocket to cover expenses. In 2018, 94% of high school teachers surveyed in the U.S. reported having to use their own money to obtain adequate supplies for their classrooms.


We also know that teachers have the greatest influence over their students when it comes to making sure they have access to resources that will help them be academically and professionally successful.


Students don’t always realize what they need, which means we can’t always hold them accountable to do what’s best for them (like sign up for an account on Get Schooled)

In 2018, I came up with an idea for a national campaign with the goals of: 

  1. Increasing new student sign-ups for the Get Schooled platform

  2. Building stronger relationships with the high school educator community on a national scale

  3. Providing small grants to schools for supplies at the start of the school year

  4. Increasing brand awareness for Get Schooled on a national scale


  • Serve as Project Lead

  • Draft the proposal and campaign brief for key stakeholders & approvals 

  • Identified potential partners & sponsors to donate school supplies and cover some budget costs

  • Establish the look & feel of the campaign 

  • Build a landing page to house the campaign + activity

  • Draft correspondence emails to educators including invite to participate, progress emails, and responses to questions/concerns

  • Create paid Facebook & Instagram ads to promote the campaign

  • Research & develop content outline for both BTS/Welcome badges & produce content formats, quiz, surveys, articles, infographics, video

  • Track school enrollment, grant amounts, & student sign up progress

  • Develop an email journey for students once they signed up & completed badge including introductory emails from GS & triggered automations for other content engagement once they completed the badges

  • Manage a budge of $10,000.00



  • 94 schools from underserved communities across 26 different states participated

  • Generated 7,447 student sign ups for Get Schooled's platform in 31 days

  • Total of 104,258 pieces of content were consumed/engaged w/ by students from both campaign badge completions (59,576 pieces of content from Back To School badge & 44,682 pieces of content from Welcome to Get Schooled badge)

  • Exceeded our estimated school engagement ( originally 30/100 schools) from 30% to 94%

How it Worked

Campaign Length: August 13, 2018 - Sept 14, 2018

  1. Educators would encourage their students to create free accounts on Get Schooled & complete (2) designated badges after sign-up.

  2. For each student sign-up the school received $1 toward a small grant for school supplies (minimum of 50 student sign-ups needed to receive grant)

  3. The top 3 schools received an automatic $250 increase to their grant


Badges are what we referred to as 6-8 pieces of grouped content related to a specific topic. Content can be a mix of written articles, surveys, quizzes, video, and infographics. In this campaign, I created a 'Welcome to Get Schooled' badge with 6 pieces of content to familiarize students with the platform, explain how it worked, & how to access rewards; I also created a second badge called 'Back to School' badge which included content to help students prepare for the transition from Summer to the Fall Semester) 

Social Media Ads

(I created, designed, and scheduled)

Ads Overview 2.png
Ads Overview 1.png

Website & Promo Images

(Images I designed, Click to englarge)

BTS Banner 1
BTS Banner 2
BTS Tracker Dash

'Welcome to Get Schooled' Badge Outline

This is the content outline I drafted before starting the process of selecting content types and building out the finished badge.

Campaign One-Pagers

(Invitation to selected schools for participation & media overview that I wrote & designed.)

Progress List Examples

(Progress lists I created, designed, & updated weekly)

Email Correspondence

(Emails I drafted, designed, and sent to educators)

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